Diagnosis of cancer is not always quickly and accurately. In many cases, diagnosis of the case only when cancer cells have already spread in the device. Big C is one of the most terrible diseases because of high mortality and is usually diagnosed with the poor.
Mesothelioma man Definition:
Mesothelioma is a cancer screening caused by breathing asbestos, apparently in vain felt ignored by most people. This is called mesothelioma cancer, because it affects the outer layer of the vital organs and mesothelium. For example, abdominal and pericardial and pleural membrane
Signs and symptoms usually appear decades after the onset of cancer himself, and take in some cases, it was unconditional, because the symptoms are often one and the same with less serious diseases.
Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Provision of mesothelioma depends on the distance from the metastases in terms of origin. The final diagnosis of biopsy patients. Checked and completed to determine the level of osteopontin serum and large amounts can treat mesothelioma.
There are three types of mesothelioma, it is more common to define pleural mesothelioma, which includes lining of the lungs. This is due to exposure to asbestos. Production workers dealing with asbestos first victims as a result of direct contact and respiration of fibers. This definition of cancer is more common in men than women. This causes inflammation in the usual put the unity of malignant years.
Ordinal peritoneal mesothelioma. This definition of mesothelioma affect the peritoneum, a second pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the coverage and the heart and pericardium.
Some research indicates that the impact on the development of mesothelioma, an individual or a virus SV40 Simin 40. In rare cases, cancer-related mesothelioma definition of exposure and breath of silicate fibers. Mesothelioma cancer is not associated with smoking such as lung cancer, but it should affect this project with asbestos-induced cancer.
Some treatments are currently available chemotherapy and radiation therapy and surgery. But the most effective way to prevent cancer to prevent its falling.
Should be informed about mesothelioma cancer are vague due to lack of proper diagnosis in the early stages of the disease. This definition of cancer are rare and people who work in asbestos or purchased by producers should be aware of the risk of abuse, all that they should take appropriate steps to address this problem.