Mesothelioma Stomach Symptoms

Often seen tomach stomach or symptoms in patients suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma cancer peritoneal cells that line the abdominal cavity. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma and insidious and often tend to flocks for signs of a more general and often more benign, abdominal conditions. Peritoneal Mesothelioma Hao so on up to modern diagnostic and somewhat resistant to treatment.

Common symptoms of abdominal peritoneal mesothelioma include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. Lump in the abdomen or symptoms of Ho to attend. Ho is a piece or symptoms of intestinal obstruction, causing constipation. Howe collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity, resulting in bloating and gas. This is called a group of volatile vapor, abdominal distension, is also considered in connection with liver disease. Drained and frequent flyer relieve the symptoms of bloating and swelling, an unlimited set of Hao plaid impede normal breathing. Hao volatile collection in the abdomen, and pressure from the tumor and inhibit blood flow is transferred from the legs, which leads to swelling of the legs. See also the symptoms of such ceilings kidney disease and pregnancy.

Some studies have shown the former temporary reduction in the overall growth and the collection of volatile after the introduction of some articles in the abdominal cavity, however, have shown such effects on the small number of patients being again.

Be caused by abdominal pain, Ho peritoneal mesothelioma, pressing on organs and nerves that made growing tumor, the tumor in the intestines, or the infiltration of adjacent tissues and organs in cancer cells. Narcotic pain medication or radiotherapy Ho be used to alleviate severe pain. Symptoms may include abdominal and systemic effects of cancer heavy losses in its assembly plants in peritoneal mesothelioma. Fever and fatigue are also common.

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